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The price of the garage space is included in the price of the property and must be sold with the property.
It is obligatory to pay the tax on the transfer of absolute rights (2.5%). The first-time homebuyers may be exempted from the obligation of tax payment.
The exact location will be provided after a viewing request is processed.
If this property is advertised somewhere else with a lower price, previously approved by the property owner, then the property can be sold at a lower price on our website too.
U Gornjem Zemunu, u blizini reke Dunav i velikog broja predškolskih i školskih ustanova, smeštena je useljiva novogradnja koju gradi investitor poznat po kvalitetnoj gradnji. Moderna novogradnja sastoji se od dve zgrade sa po 9 stanova, a sa drugog sprata objekata moguće je uživati u fantastičnom pogledu na reku Dunav, koja se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini