Business premises for rent in Belgrade: prices, locations, and tips for 2024
"Center is everywhere where consumers are!"
With the growth of entrepreneurship and a significant influx of foreign residents who have moved their business activities to Belgrade in recent years, rental prices for commercial premises are rising, following the trend of residential real estate. Find out how much it costs to rent a premise monthly in the most sought-after parts of the city. We reveal which locations in the Serbian capital are most suitable for certain activities and how to be sure you are legally protected when renting a premise.
Commercial premises for rent in Belgrade
15-20 m² | 30-40 m² | 50-60 m² | 100 m² | |
Central city areas | 200–600 € | 400–800 € | 500–1.000 € | 1.000–2.000 € |
New Belgrade | 200–500 € | 400–700 € | 500–1.000 € | 800–2.000 € |
Zemun | 200–400 € | 350–700 € | 400–800 € | 800–1.500 € |
Belgrade, as the epicenter of economic activity in Serbia, represents the largest market for entrepreneurial ventures in the country. We do not mean only the central locations of the city, but any municipality and street where there are consumers can be a winning address.
"Center is everywhere where consumers are" is the current slogan of this real estate segment, emphasizes Milan Đokić, development and cooperation manager at City Expert company. On the contrary, Rockefeller's famous saying - "Location, location, location" is becoming less valid for the Serbian capital because almost all municipalities, including the periphery, are densely populated and have their consumers.
"For entrepreneurs, especially beginners, the best location is where the competition is not too big, where they are visible to their clients, while the choice of space should primarily be in accordance with your needs and budget," advises Milan Đokić. He further states that it is crucial to consider the needs of the target consumer group, and then, in accordance with the available finances, evaluate where the initial investment will be lower and the return on investment faster. For example, in the case of retail and craft shops, entrepreneurs can expect greater success in premises within residential buildings where they are accessible to their expected consumers, rather than in the city center or larger shopping malls, where the competition is huge.
Hospitality services, large chains, and brands certainly prefer locations near key pedestrian zones and city landmarks, where the flow of passengers is the highest. For these facilities, there is great rivalry which dictates high prices. On the other hand, regardless of the municipality, office space is more attractive if it is modern and comfortable, with important amenities nearby and parking. For smaller shops, street orientation and the presence of an adequate shop window are crucial, while micro-location is more important than the position in the city.
The rental price of a small premise around 15-20 m² in the central municipalities of Belgrade (Stari grad, Savski venac, Vračar, Palilula, and Zvezdara) ranges from 200 € per month to 500-600 €. Spacious premises over 100 and 200 square meters usually cost between 1,000 and 2,000 € in the mentioned municipalities. Half the size premises (about 50-60 m²) can be rented for an amount of 500-1,000 €, but much more expensive extremes are also encountered, depending on the specific address and orientation towards important streets.
Even in suburban settlements, such as Surčin, Borča, and Batajnica, there are premises that are in high demand and are rented at high prices. They can amount to several thousand euros if they are large in square footage, due to the attractive micro-location in rapidly developing and populated neighborhoods.
In the New Belgrade blocks, premises up to 30 m² are rented at a monthly rental of 300-800 €, and the large variation in price is explained by competitive supply, meaning that large chains are more willing to pay a multiple market price for a property of interest.
In Zemun and Čukarica, small to medium-sized premises can be rented for 300-700 € on average.
If you are looking for suitable business premises for your activity, check out the wide range of offers, and our team is at your disposal for any kind of professional and legal assistance.
Lease agreement for business premises - How to get the best deal?
Since beginner entrepreneurs often cannot compete with large companies on the market that may be potentially interested in the same property, it is necessary for the security of the tenant to draft a lease agreement and check it with a lawyer or agent, and then notarize it.
A favorable agreement for both contracting parties can include paying rent several months in advance and signing a long-term contract. Another possibility is to propose to the landlord to invest in renovating the premises.
If you intend to venture into entrepreneurial field and are inexperienced in legal matters, do not leave anything to chance. City Expert has a wide range of available properties that you can rent, and if you need legal support in all legal aspects, recommendations, or price negotiations, contact the City Expert Premium team who will assign you a personal agent, available 365 days a year for you. We will create a personalized offer for you so that you can easily and safely achieve your goal. Check out our current offer of business premises and start your business journey with a good start!
If you own your business premises and want to rent it, contact us for a professional assessment of its value and quick finding of tenants.