
How to rent an apartment in Belgrade
Renting an apartment in a foreign country can seem overwhelming, especially when you're trying to save time and energy while ensuring your landlord is trustworthy.
Buying an apartment in Serbia: how to choose a quality new building?
In Serbia, the stereotype that old buildings are inherently better than new constructions is deeply rooted.
Apartment renovation in Serbia: Costs and tips
Find out all about property renovations in Serbia - from painting and replacing built-in elements to the costs of handymen. Plan your expenses with our practical advice.
How to pay bills online for an apartment in Serbia?
Paying utility bills in Serbia is becoming more convenient and easy. One of the online services that helps citizens with everyday administrative tasks is eSanduče — an electronic service designed to consolidate the delivery and payment of bills for Infostan (public utility company) and services from the MTS telecommunications operator. Find out how to pay your electricity bills online and check your taxes for real estate located in Serbia.
House rules for buildings in Belgrade - Weekday and weekend regulations
The decision regarding the general house rules for residential and mixed-use buildings in Belgrade came into force in November 2019. This decision outlines the rights and obligations of tenants to ensure a peaceful living environment and specifies the allowable noise levels to prevent disturbance.
Role of homeowners' associations and tenants' meetings in a residential building (Law in Serbia)
According to the Law on Housing and Building Management, in Serbia, a homeowners' association consists of all apartment owners or tenants in a residential building. Like a company, every building has the status of a legal entity and is registered in the Registry of Homeowners' Associations and has a company name, registration number, taxpayer identification number (PIB) and bank account.
Working From Home? Here's How to Create a Productive Home Office
In today's digital world, many homes have become private offices as remote work has gained widespread acceptance. Working from home has become increasingly popular after the pandemic, as employers realized that certain jobs can be moved from the office to an employee's home without compromising productivity.
Mortgage in Serbia: FAQs and answers
In the world of real estate, the mortgage occupies an important and frequent place. Many homebuyers may find themselves wanting to purchase a property burdened by a mortgage or considering a home loan that inherently involves a mortgage. In the following text, we will look at the most common questions that worry those who are encountering the term for the first time.
Want to buy land in Serbia? Don't miss to check these 5 things!
In recent years, suburban and weekend settlements have become increasingly popular due to the trend of urban expansion, making land purchases an attractive option for many. If you're considering buying land, there are several key things to check, specific to this type of property.
Real Estate Cadastre: How can I register my property?
The Real Estate Cadastre is a public registry containing all relevant data about properties in Serbia. Although often a mystery for citizens and a cause of headaches, this registry and the accompanying laws are organized to establish and maintain accurate records of real estate for the security of legal transactions.
Pet saveta za prvo iznajmljivanje stana u životu!
Searching for a new apartment and moving in can be exhausting, and when it comes to renting your first apartment, the task is particularly challenging. If you're not experienced, there's a chance something unpleasant might surprise you. To avoid complications, we've prepared a checklist for you to go through before you take the final jump into your independent life. An exciting phase is ahead of you, so we want you to enjoy the process!
Finding the perfect family home - Five key factors!
One of the most crucial decisions for any family is choosing a place to live. In their future home, family members will spend the majority of their time, creating countless memories, which makes a thoughtful decision of utmost importance.
How to properly recycle in your home and city: A guide for Serbian citizens
Recycling is a key process in preserving the environment, and while governments and larger communities must address this issue, a significant responsibility lies with the citizens. In Serbia, despite challenges and a lack of education on the subject, citizens have opportunities to contribute to waste reduction and environmental protection. This guide reveals some of the basics when it comes to recycling and offers practical advice on handling different types of waste.
Cheap electricity - When is electricity more affordable, and how to use it?

In the era of increasing global energy uncertainty and rising energy prices, saving is one of the mechanisms for overcoming the crisis. Affordable electricity and its use is a way to lower electricity bills.

Infostan accounts: What does infostan include, and how is the price formed?

The public utility company "Infostan tehnologije" is part of the utility system of the City of Belgrade, whose activity is the unified collection of utility services. The method of unified billing (SON) of communal services in Belgrade was established on January 1, 1977. The price is determined by public companies that deliver their services to users and the Assembly of the City of Belgrade, which gives consent to price changes. At the same time, PUK "Infostan tehnologija" only makes the payment. There are currently more than 800,000 users in the unified billing system.
