Apartment Decoration

Apartment Decoration
Moisture and mold in the apartment: This is how to permanently solve this problem!
Moisture and mold are common problems in residential spaces, whether you live in a new or old building. They are recognizable by a specific musty smell and visible stains on walls, ceilings, and other surfaces. Not only does this problem aesthetically spoil the appearance of your space, but it can also pose a serious health risk. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to permanently solve this problem and create a healthier living environment for yourself and your family.
Apartment Decoration
Creating a healthier home in a few steps!
In the midst of a fast-paced everyday life, the home you come to at the end of a long day should be a healthy surrounding where you can relax and unwind. With the increasing awareness and interest in improving the quality of life in all aspects, we have decided to address the topic of how you can make your apartment or house a healthier living space!
New build homes / Apartment Decoration
What do you think about free interior design by an architect?

Looking for a luxury apartment in the center of Belgrade? Do you have a dream of decorating it as you wish and with style? Do you want to move into your new home this year and enjoy its interior?

Apartment Decoration
Listen to the color of the year
Pantone, the global authority on color, has been announcing the color of the year for 20 years now. An exciting marketing move has quickly grown into the most anticipated event for many professionals. From designers (graphic, industrial, interior) through fashion (haute couture and ready-to-wear) to furniture, fabric, and paint makers, they all eagerly await for December to find out which color will be chosen.
Apartment Decoration
A different way to decorate your home for Christmas
Christmas time is perfect for bringing magic into your living space. After reading this text, maybe you’ll get inspired to decorate even the building entrance, handrails, doors, perhaps some tree in your backyard or in front of your building. The holiday spirit is the best thing you can share with your family, neighbors, colleagues… and the whole world. Why not, it’s that time of the year!
Advices / Apartment Decoration
Decorate your home for Halloween!
There are two types of holidays: traditional ones and the ones that entered our homes thanks to popular culture and media. One of the latter is Halloween or Night of Witches, which most of us have learned about from movies and television series. They are probably the ones to blame for a common misconception that Halloween is an American holiday that has nothing to do with European tradition.
Advices / Apartment Decoration
7 ways to make your rental feel like home
It's natural that you want to make your rental feel like home. In new apartments for rent, you only need to add a splash of personal touch, as they already come in modern neutral tones. However, if you are looking for an apartment in the city center in one of the older buildings, you will have to deal with an age-old interior. Nevertheless, you can make any apartment feel like home. All you need is a little bit of time, some investment and a lot of creativity.
Advices / Apartment Decoration
How to make the most out of a small apartment
Many people will tell you that a time will come when you will simply overgrow your tiny apartment. Those planning to start a family will confirm that this is true. Nevertheless, small apartments have a certain appeal. They are easier to maintain and with a little creativity, they can be redesigned to be a comfortable place to live. Check out how you can make the most out of your small apartment.