House rules for buildings in Belgrade - Weekday and weekend regulations


House rules for buildings in Belgrade - Weekday and weekend regulations

The decision regarding the general house rules for residential and mixed-use buildings in Belgrade came into force in November 2019. This decision outlines the rights and obligations of tenants to ensure a peaceful living environment and specifies the allowable noise levels to prevent disturbance.

Quiet hours

The decision establishes quiet hours when tenants must behave in a way that ensures peace in the building. The house rules on weekdays are from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM and from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM. On weekends, the rules apply from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM and from 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM on Saturdays and 10:00 AM on Sundays. During quiet hours, the use of lawn mowers, chainsaws, and similar devices that disturb the peace is prohibited. If you plan a family celebration or gathering, you must notify all tenants two days in advance with a notice in a visible place in the building, ensuring silence from 1:00 AM.

Shouting, running, jumping, and similar activities that disrupt order and peace are prohibited during quiet hours, as is the use of machines and appliances that may disturb other tenants.

Prohibition on throwing items 

Throwing any objects, household waste, food scraps, spilling water, shaking tablecloths, bedding, rags, and similar items is prohibited. The use of open flames in certain parts of the building is also banned due to the immediate fire hazard.

In the buildings, keeping pets is allowed, but tenants must ensure that animals do not create a mess in shared areas or disturb the peace.

Construction work 

Tenants may carry out construction work in the building but must not damage common areas. They are required to notify the building manager in advance and show approval from the relevant authority for the work, and to post a notice about the start date, type, and duration of the work. Once the work is completed, the tenant must return the affected areas to their original condition. Construction work cannot be performed during quiet hours, except in the case of emergencies.

Locking entrances and common areas 

Locking the gates and entrance doors to the building is mandatory from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM in summer and from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM in winter. The entrance doors can be permanently locked if there is an external signaling device - an intercom system, and if this decision is made by the assembly of the housing community

The assembly of the housing community determines the schedule for using common areas, and tenants must return these spaces to their original condition after use. It is prohibited to throw garbage and waste in common areas, to draw or write on walls, or to use open flames or smoke.

Basement areas 

Storing flammable materials and liquids in the basement is prohibited, and the windows of basement areas must have grilles or dense wire mesh to prevent the entry of objects that may cause fire. The entrance doors to the basement must be locked, and tenants must have a key.

Heating materials must be stored in the basement areas, or in designated places set by the assembly of the housing community. Preparing and splitting wood in apartments is not allowed, and tenants are required to clean the area where the heating materials were unloaded immediately upon delivery.


The entrance doors to the attic must be permanently locked, and the key to the attic space is held by a person designated by the assembly of the housing community. Storing and using flammable materials and liquids in the attic is also prohibited. Access to the roof is only allowed for professionals for repairs, antenna installation, snow and ice removal, and similar tasks.

Landscaped areas

By decision of the assembly of the housing community, a portion of the landscaped area can be designated for children's play, shaking carpets, parking vehicles, and performing other routine activities. 

The use of open flames is prohibited on the grounds due to fire hazards.Tenants are required to remove snow and ice from windows, terraces, balconies, and loggias in a manner that does not damage common areas or endanger other tenants and passengers. They are also responsible for taking protective measures against freezing and bursting of plumbing and sewage installations and devices in their apartments and business spaces during winter.

Municipal police and house rules 

All members of the housing community—tenants and building managers—are responsible for adhering to the house rules. The inspection oversight is conducted by the organizational unit of the municipal administration responsible for inspection matters, through municipal inspectors and the organizational unit of the City Administration of Belgrade responsible for inspection matters, through construction inspectors.

When performing inspection supervision, the relevant inspector or municipal officer has the right to issue a decision on an offense for violation of which fixed monetary penalties are prescribed. Monetary fines for tenants who do not comply with these provisions range from RSD 5,000 to RSD 150,000.

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