Apartments for rent

Real Estate Market
Rental prices are 15% lower than last year! Find out current prices in Belgrade municipalities
A year and a half since the Russo-Ukrainian crisis caused tremors in the real estate market in Serbia, rental prices have largely stabilized, with statistical data showing an average decrease of 15% compared to the same period last year.
Legal advice
Why the real-estate lease contract matters
It’s not uncommon for apartment owners to rent out their apartments without forming a real-estate lease contract with the tennant. It is our belief that this is a major mistake on the landlord’s part and it may end up costing them a great deal.
New feature for owners: show the apartment via video call!

Searching for property buyers or tenants has never been an easy job, and now, at a time of a global Covid-19 pandemic, seems especially tricky. How to sell an apartment and limit physical contacts? How not to expose your health to unnecessary risks while meeting with interested tenants?

New feature for buyers and tenants: visit the apartment via video call!
If you are looking for an apartment to buy or rent in Belgrade or Novi Sad, you may feel that you are facing a more significant challenge than before, primarily due to the general fear of Covid-19. Is it even possible to find an apartment safely now?
The safest real estate agency in Serbia

Social distancing is our reality. Belgrade's Institute of Public Health advises it as an essential measure against the spread of the Covid-19 virus. But keeping a physical distance does not mean that you should be alone – it's just the opposite. Experts recommend maintaining social contacts by phone or social media and arranging meetings online.

How to rent an apartment in Belgrade or Novi Sad?
With life slowly returning to normal, we hope the uncertainty we have lived for more than two months is behind us. But every crisis, no matter how unpleasant, is an opportunity to learn something new. This crisis shed light on a topic we're very interested in: the most efficient and safest way to rent an apartment. So, here is what we've learned so far:
Pet friendly apartments in Belgrade
If you're a pet owner, apartment hunting is probably a very frustrating experience. You always wonder why in such a great city there's such a limited number of apartments that welcome pets? Why can't landlords and pet owners speak the same language?
Cityexpert / Events in Novi Sad
Beginning of the renting in Novi Sad: “25% off for the fastest 50”
City Expert, the leading real estate service in the market, has recently introduced RENTAL service in Novi Sad. That is why we launched a great promotion for rental property owners in Novi Sad...
Advices / Apartment Decoration
How to make the most out of a small apartment
Many people will tell you that a time will come when you will simply overgrow your tiny apartment. Those planning to start a family will confirm that this is true. Nevertheless, small apartments have a certain appeal. They are easier to maintain and with a little creativity, they can be redesigned to be a comfortable place to live. Check out how you can make the most out of your small apartment.
Events in Belgrade
May in Belgrade

We start this month with the international celebration of the Labor Day. In Belgrade, it's common to use this time to be with friends and family and spend the day in nature. This month we'll have a chance to spend more time outdoors and to check out a brand new museum in Belgrade. Learn more about best things to in the lovely month of May.
