
New feature for owners: show the apartment via video call!

Searching for property buyers or tenants has never been an easy job, and now, at a time of a global Covid-19 pandemic, seems especially tricky. How to sell an apartment and limit physical contacts? How not to expose your health to unnecessary risks while meeting with interested tenants?

New feature for buyers and tenants: visit the apartment via video call!
If you are looking for an apartment to buy or rent in Belgrade or Novi Sad, you may feel that you are facing a more significant challenge than before, primarily due to the general fear of Covid-19. Is it even possible to find an apartment safely now?
Instructions for a contactless apartment viewing
You have just received a text message confirming the date and time of the scheduled video call. The next step is to agree on the video calling application you will use.
The safest real estate agency in Serbia

Social distancing is our reality. Belgrade's Institute of Public Health advises it as an essential measure against the spread of the Covid-19 virus. But keeping a physical distance does not mean that you should be alone – it's just the opposite. Experts recommend maintaining social contacts by phone or social media and arranging meetings online.

Keep the applause going - support for medical workers

In early May, City Expert joined many socially responsible companies in Serbia in supporting medical workers who were at the forefront of the battle with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keep the applause going! Support for medical workers!
The pandemic of the COVID-19 virus has caused a significant blow to our society and the country's economy. As a socially responsible company, we decided to take an active role and to support those at the forefront of the battle.
Advices / Cityexpert
What is different in real estate sale during the state of emergency?

Some things have changed, but one thing has remained the same. The property sale with City Expert is still the fastest and safest that can be. If you're interested in selling an apartment during the state of emergency, take a look at the differences in comparison to everyday sales.

Advices / Cityexpert
Life in the state of emergency - Let’s clean
The best thing we can do both for ourselves and for the people around us is to follow the official institutions’ recommendations and to be inside this spring. And while we are there, we should all try to use the spare time to do something useful: tidying up our living space can be a good idea. By doing that, maybe we can put the other things in our lives in order.
Real Estate Market
Can I buy an apartment during the state of emergency?
With our help, it's not impossible. Even during the state of emergency, City Expert, the first online Serbian real estate agency, is working in regular business hours, and our website is available 24/7.
Advices / Cityexpert
Life in the state of emergency - Part one
The state of emergency was declared a little over ten days ago. It affected us all; we all had to change our regular routines and adapt to safety measures, which include movement restrictions, apartment confinement, remote work, homeschooling, and the worst of them all, social distancing. We hope you've already found the ways to organize your day, but if you need some inspiration, here are City Expert's tips for keeping the spirit high during the state of emergency.
