Professional Building Management

Legal advice
Who is the building manager and what is his job?
In recent decades, with the growth of construction and residents in the Serbian capital, the needs for organizing all aspects of residential living in apartment buildings have significantly increased, such as regular maintenance, cost management, and repairs. Previously, these matters were handled by the presidents of the residents' assembly, who were often the owners of the apartments themselves. However, in recent years, this responsibility is increasingly shifting to professional management. Moreover, there is data indicating that over 50% of residential communities in Belgrade engage professional managers.
Legal advice / Advices
Manager or professional housing community manager - which is better?

The Law on Housing and Building Maintenance from 2016 was introduced by a new institute - Professional Manager. These changes affected the tenants and created doubts. Who is a Professional Manager? How is it chosen? Will this service be charged extra to the tenants? These questions were asked by all and many remain unclear to this day.