Real Estate Agency Novi Sad

Real Estate Market
Novi Sad - a treasure trove of new builds: Where are the most apartments being built and purchased?
Novi Sad has become a leader in the Serbian real estate market by selling the most construction land parcels in the past three years, according to the Republic Geodetic Authority. With 2,874 parcels sold, it has even surpassed the capital Belgrade.
Cityexpert / Events in Novi Sad
Meet the City Expert team from Novi Sad

Good communication and respect are the keys to a successful business

Real estate is what connects us, not only in Belgrade but also in Novi Sad. Exactly half a decade ago, we decided to expand our business to a city that rightly bears the epithet of a multinational and multicultural metropolis in small. This was proved by the City Expert team from Novi Sad, in which, as they say, there is no higher or lower position, but there is a team of people who are there to help their colleagues, be friends, learn from mistakes and cheerfully share successes.

Top real estate
Top 5 apartments for rent in Novi Sad

This week's top list is diverse and created to suit everybody's taste. We have both smaller and bigger apartments, located in the city center and in the broader city center area, with and without furniture. When renting an apartment, it's essential to consider all the expenses, so we added monthly expenses for every one of them.

Top real estate
Top 5 apartments for rent in Novi Sad - take a quick tour!

Are you looking for an apartment for rent in Novi Sad? Take a look at the prettiest of them all in this week's City Expert's offer.

Top real estate
TOP 5 apartments for sale in Novi Sad that you must see

So, you want to buy a perfect family apartment in Novi Sad? Take a look at the flats that City Expert office in Novi Sad recommends. This week's countdown begins...

Cityexpert / Events in Novi Sad
During 2019, our office in Novi Sad achieved 97% revenue growth!
City Expert, a unique real estate platform, made a giant leap with the opening of the first branch office in Novi Sad, three years ago. To find out more about that adventure, we've talked to the manager of the City Expert office in Novi Sad, Julijana Stojanovic.
Real Estate Market
How much can you earn by renting an apartment in Novi Sad?
Over the years, Novi Sad has gotten more popular as a place to live, both temporary and for good. Besides a significant number of students who rent apartments, there is one more factor that contributes to this trend – growing business, especially the IT sector. So, renting in Novi Sad can be a lucrative business, but only if you know how to do it.
Cityexpert / Events in Novi Sad
Big changes in the real estate market in Novi Sad! - Rentals Novi Sad

We have good news for all owners of rental apartments in Novi Sad. This was an excellent occasion to talk to Igor Jovic, CEO of City Expert.

Real Estate Market / Events in Novi Sad
Apartment rental prices in Novi Sad
An interesting fact you probably didn't know about City Expert: when we started working in 2015, the first service we offered in Belgrade was property rent and lease.
