Can I buy an apartment during the state of emergency?

Real Estate Market

Can I buy an apartment during the state of emergency?

With our help, it's not impossible. Even during the state of emergency, City Expert, the first online Serbian real estate agency, is working in regular business hours, and our website is available 24/7.

Are you looking for an apartment to buy in Belgrade or Novi Sad?

There's no need to go out and buy and then disinfect newspapers when you can browse City Expert's free property ads online. Get comfortable with a cup of coffee or tea and take a peek into our offer of apartments for sale: 660 in Belgrade and 275 in Novi Sad. You don't have to look at them all, of course – take advantage of the sophisticated City Expert’s search. You can specify all of your requirements, such as a municipality or specific neighborhood, type of the property, price, area, how many rooms you would like, floor, type of heating, etc.

Each property is described in detail, with monthly costs and any other information. Pictures always speak more than words, and when professional photos are accompanied by a video walk through the apartment and 360° view of each room, you get full virtual experience of the apartment - as if you were there and looking it from all angles.

Bonus: If you do not find the apartment that suits you right away, you can "save the search," and when an apartment that meets your requirements appears on the website, an email notification will arrive in your inbox.

How can I visit the apartment?

Online apartment presentations and the search are designed to save you time and to save you from visiting too many apartments - this makes a big difference in a state of emergency. When you decide to visit the apartment you like, scheduling a visit is simple via the form on the City Expert website. Another advantage of our way of working is the ability to communicate with the owner directly, without intermediaries.

We can say that City Expert is a unique service that helps you to buy a home on the safest terms because communication is reduced to the smallest number of people involved: you and the owner, which reduces the chance of spreading the virus. This does not mean that you are left alone, our call center and sales agents are with you all the time, ready to help with advice and negotiate with the owner on your behalf.

Time and transportation planning

During the state of emergency, movement is limited to a time frame from 5.00 am to 5.00 pm and from 5.00 am to 3.00 pm on weekends. Public transportation in Belgrade is changed, please take a look at the driving schedule, and plan so you can safely return home. Be sure to follow the safety precautions by keeping a distance of 2 m, and wearing a mask and gloves for protection of yourself and the person showing you the apartment.


If you belong to the vast majority of buyers planning to buy an apartment through a mortgage loan, check how banks operate during a state of emergency. Luckily, most of the banks use modern technology and have regularly updated online presentations, so there is no need to go to inquire in person. You can either call them or send them an email to check how the home mortgage approval process goes during this time.

Online cadastre

Fortunately, as of recently, all courts, notaries, lawyers, and appraisers, as well as all banks in Serbia, have the possibility of digital communication with the cadastre. This means that bank employees can apply and download the documents they need to get a loan or mortgage from their clients (real estate listing etc.). The real estate appraisals necessary for granting the loan are also done through the online cadastre. Notaries have access to the online cadastre, so this is also a way of doing the certification.

Like City Expert, everyone involved in the complex real estate purchase chain works under extraordinary conditions, but with minor modifications. That's why our licensed sales agents will be of great help because they work as usual, on working days during regular business hours. They will advise you on the procedure for purchasing an apartment now.

Hurry up!

Things change from hour to hour. If you've seen the apartment you like on the City Expert site, it's best to make a move right away. Contact us and, with our help, become a proud owner of an apartment in Belgrade or Novi Sad. Good luck!

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