City Expert Real Estate Agency Blog

Advices for the Russians
A detailed guide for Russian citizens: How to purchase an apartment in Serbia?
More and more foreign citizens, predominantly people from Russia, are opting to purchase real-estate in Belgrade. However, although foreign buyers usually have the funds ready to purchase the real-estate, there are many difficulties they might face while doing so. Not least of which is the language, but also the paperwork involved.
Advices for the Russians
How can Russian citizens take out a housing loan in Serbia?

More and more foreign residents are deciding to live in Serbia, and many of them are opting to purchase their own apartments, rather than rent one. Because of the strain on funds, some foreign citizens opt to take out a housing loan in Serbia, but are unsure whether they are eligible for one, or the conditions they need to meet. In this article, our credit financial counselors explain the procedures involved in taking out a housing loan for foreign citizens, explain reciprocity, give advice on the easiest way to take out a loan in Serbia and answer the question of what all you need in terms of documentation.

Advices for the Russians
The ideal living location for Russians in Belgrade

What is the best location to live in Belgrade is the million dollar question and the answer to it largely depends on individual preferences. If you are a foreign citizen and this is your first time in Belgrade, this article might help you choose your ideal living location in the capital city of Serbia.

Advices for the Russians
Russian schools in Belgrade

If you are a Russian citizen and you are temporarily or permanently staying in Serbia with your children, this article will help you learn all about Russian schools in Belgrade.

Kosmaj - a mountain on which you will enjoy to the maximum
Busy life in big cities and high daily stress, whether it's work, traffic, or a parking space, have forced many people to use the weekend mainly to escape to nature. Precisely for these reasons, there has been an increase in demand for real estate in many mountains in Serbia in recent years. One of the favorite picnic spots of Belgraders, in recent years, because of its proximity and natural beauty is Mountain Kosmaj.
New build homes
Meet Belgrade Waterfront
You live abroad and would like to buy an apartment in the luxurious new building "Belgrade Waterfront ", not sure which residential building within the complex best suits your needs? Do you favor a view of the Sava River, greenery, or the old city center? Do you want exclusive content, or do you like to observe the capital from a height of 168 meters? All apartments in the Belgrade Waterfront complex are built according to the highest international standards, but there are nuances in each building that distinguish one from the other.
New build homes / Legal advice
How to protect yourself if the investor is late in construction?

The purchase of apartments under construction is widespread today. An increasing number of buyers are deciding to buy an apartment in one of the new buildings. There are many advantages to purchasing this type of real estate, but you must pay attention to the potential risks.

New build homes
EVERYTHING IN ONE PLACE: Peace and comfort for 150 € per month

Friday, 5 p.m. You come back from work, and after a stressful day, all you want is to get home as soon as possible. However, traffic jams in the capital are commonplace. If you live in the old part of Belgrade, columns of vehicles and nervous drivers trumpeting will be waiting for you on the bridges, so you are guaranteed extra stress.

Legal advice / Interesting
How did God end up in court because of the house?

In Arizona, in 1970, a woman filed a lawsuit against God, the value of which was 100,000.00 dollars, suing him for negligence because he allowed lightning to strike her house and burn it to the ground. Since the defendant did not appear in court, she won the dispute. It remains unclear who compensated her for the damage she suffered.

Legal advice
How does a state of emergency and war affect real estate lease and sale agreements?

In the past few years, we have seen how unforeseen circumstances can affect the usual way of life and the performance of daily activities and jobs, and thus legal affairs. The coronary virus pandemic practically "paralyzed" the whole world at one time. That is why most countries imposed a state of emergency at the beginning of the pandemic.

New build homes
Up to 50% lower price per square meter at only 20 minutes from the center of New Belgrade

Prices per square meter are rising, and economic experts estimate that they will continue to be at a high but stable level. In the last year alone, the prices of square meters in Belgrade have increased by 15% for apartments in old buildings and by 30% for apartments in new buildings, according to data from the Republic Geodetic Authority.

May Day in Serbia and the world

In Serbia, May Day is known for camping, barbecuing, and socializing in nature. However, this holiday has an entirely different symbolism and meaning.

New build homes / Advices
How to protect yourself while buying an apartment under construction?

Buying an apartment under construction is a cost-effective solution for those who can wait with moving in and want to save money by paying a lower price per square meter.

New from City Expert / Events in Novi Sad
Meet the City Expert team from Novi Sad

Good communication and respect are the keys to a successful business

Real estate is what connects us, not only in Belgrade but also in Novi Sad. Exactly half a decade ago, we decided to expand our business to a city that rightly bears the epithet of a multinational and multicultural metropolis in small. This was proved by the City Expert team from Novi Sad, in which, as they say, there is no higher or lower position, but there is a team of people who are there to help their colleagues, be friends, learn from mistakes and cheerfully share successes.

New build homes / Apartment Decoration
What do you think about free interior design by an architect?

Looking for a luxury apartment in the center of Belgrade? Do you have a dream of decorating it as you wish and with style? Do you want to move into your new home this year and enjoy its interior?


The aim of these texts is to inform you and refer to details related primarily to the sale of apartments or houses, renting apartments, but also to provide you with other useful information about real estate. This site is conceived as a library of useful texts, where you will be able to find answers to many questions from the real estate world and keep up-to-date with the latest housing laws, as well as advice on trends in architecture, interior design and everything related to your existing or home that you wish. We do this, among other things, because it is easier for us to cooperate with educated clients, so we reach a common goal faster. Welcome to the City Expert blog and enjoy reading!