Real estate for rent

Real Estate Market
How much can you earn by renting an apartment in Novi Sad?
Over the years, Novi Sad has gotten more popular as a place to live, both temporary and for good. Besides a significant number of students who rent apartments, there is one more factor that contributes to this trend – growing business, especially the IT sector. So, renting in Novi Sad can be a lucrative business, but only if you know how to do it.
Who's afraid of the thirteen? Friday the 13th
Today is Friday the 13th, the second time this year. We assume you are not among the lucky ones who can stay in bed today, avoiding bad luck from happening. If you are not superstitious or have too much work to do, you may not have noticed today's date.
Real Estate Market / Events in Novi Sad
Apartment rental prices in Novi Sad
An interesting fact you probably didn't know about City Expert: when we started working in 2015, the first service we offered in Belgrade was property rent and lease.
